Sending down our Roots and remembering the Soul

Re-Wilding with the Labyrinth Workshop





Just wanted to add some photo’s from the day and a little write up of how it went. As usual with these sorts of events / workshops when a group of like minded individuals get together it makes for a really special time and this was no exception. There were 8 of us in total including myself and Julie who were facilitating the day.

We started off with a short physical and breathing exercise to get us in to our bodies. Bringing our awareness down from the head space and in to the body. We learnt of how we are able to experience our connection to the natural world we are a part of through being aware of our senses at a deeper level.


I shared the journey that has taken 2 1/2 years from my initial meeting with a Labyrinth in Ireland at Carraig Dulra Permaculture Farm to the finishing of the Herb Labyrinth at Tuppenny Barn. The process has been one of intention, communication and deep listening then allowing and facilitating for the co- creation to emerge, an organic unfolding if you like.

Just before lunch we walked the Labyrinth testing out some of the body awareness techniques.

We shared one of the most exuberant banquets I’ve ever had pleasure to be a part of, it makes for such a heart warming occasion when everyone brings something to share for a feast, creates a real sense of community. 13565385_10154169135616469_165269228_n

In the afternoon Julie led a meditation/communication exercise with St Johns Wort, the plant which was the focus of the day. Its always magical how people’s experience matches that of the plants characteristics. Everyone had such beautiful experiences to share and I will update this post with one or two of those. St Johns Wort really shone giving us all personal insights to take home and digest.

We walked the Labyrinth for the second and final time but this walk was to pay homage to St Johns Wort, to give thanks and ground our experience of the day.20160626_145136_resized

4 thoughts on “Re-Wilding with the Labyrinth Workshop

  1. Wonderful day spent with a group of inspiring people, amazing plants, delicious food … thanks to all and especially Mark! Julie x


  2. Looking good lads,


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