Sending down our Roots and remembering the Soul

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Evening Primrose Medicine


Last year someone had suggested they would like a workshop on Evening Primrose. This sounded like a grand idea as there were many Evening Primroses at Emerson College, so after watching them open in the evening we could walk a candle lit labyrinth. Perfect timing I thought.

From initial conversations with Evening Primrose I felt a soothing coolness, a white soft enveloping light. Relaxing, nourishing, revitalising. It spoke to its connection to the moon and the feminine yet at the same time seemed connected to the solar plexus, suggesting sun and warmth, its stems and seed pods have a red tinge of fire to them. Some see this plants element as being most associated with Earth, yet I felt a strong connection with the solar plexus suggesting fire? However the strongest feeling was of a soft, velvety, cooling, soothing, ‘moon’ness’. Perhaps the element of Yin Earth . Plants, like ourselves, contain all the elements to varying degrees and Evening Primrose seemed to be voicing a balancing of both the yin and yang. Male and female aspects.

The uncommon activity of the flowers opening during the evening and in to the night suggested of its ability to shine its light in to the darkness, expressing itself in fullness and in its relation with the moon. I felt a plant for working on the subconscious aspects of ourselves, shining the light of our conscious awareness on to the shadow parts of ourselves and in doing so releasing bound up energy, unlocking creative life force, opening to our individual power through the solar plexus helping us to express more of our true essential nature.

My journey with Evening Primrose didn’t stop there. Looking back now, I can see the deep work that I was just stepping into was in the processing of unconscious patterns that were formed within my childhood and even ancestral wounding. Evening Primrose was helping me in this process of uncovering those wounded parts of myself. I now know she does this through encouraging us to relax. In feeling relaxed, at ease and safe we are able to feel in to the parts of us that have not felt heard, the wounded parts that are afraid. These parts can influence our relationships, our decisions, every aspect of our lives. We carry them as unconscious thought patterns, story lines, underlying fears, feelings and emotions that got stuck frozen in time. It is not that we need to fix them, change them, even ‘heal’ them as such, but simply bringing them in to awareness and letting them know they are now heard and acknowledged.

Ways to work with these aspects.

We might say, ”I see you”, or, I prefer ”I hear you”, when we feel these parts or stories coming up in the moment. Each time, simply returning to our breath and conscious moment awareness. If doing deeper work, we can sit and feel in to these parts, acknowledging them, telling them that it’s ok to be here and that you hear them now.

You could visualise a child in the corner of a room, head bowed down, crying. How would you react to this child? What would you say to this child? The way in which you interact with this child may be the way in which you engage with these parts of yourself. There is no need to fix them but as they feel more heard they may completely transform, they may shrink or they may remain but as life goes on we grow in peace. We grow in awareness of ourselves as we fully flower into the light of our true essential nature, bringing all aspects of ourselves together, the darkness included.

We all have childhood wounds, this does not mean we had a rough childhood or were abused. The act of simply being born is traumatic. We may even be carrying wounds from the womb, prior to birth, as we soaked up the emotions or situations that were presenting in our environment. I believe the very essence of life is to experience it in its full gory, sorry glory. The pain and the pleasure, the bliss and the heartbreak, the joy and the sorrow. As we navigate life through living in self awareness.

The following link below is a good description of evening primrose essence. It amazed me how support was already informing my life prior to me even being aware of the deeper work I was about to engage with. Plants, indeed life, is supporting and informing our growth in ways we have no idea of. https://www.spiritoftransformation.com/Essencedescriptions/eveningprimrose.pdf

Evening Primrose

Nature connection / communication.

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When we begin connecting to nature and experience the intelligence that is permeating and penetrating every inch, of every thing, in all that there is. We can begin to form a reciprocal relationship with this greater part of us. There seems to be a natural tendency towards expressing our inner questions, our pain, our troubles, in order to find answers, guidance and healing. At least that is the way in which I have felt compelled to work and guided in relationship to our natural world.

At this time it is essential that we re-establish our connection, particularly in Britain where we have largely forgotten this connection, but in which now a growing calling is being heard by many to re-member our ancestral lands. For a long time we have been going to other cultures to find our spiritual connection, nothing wrong with this, but we are now being asked to connect with the plants, tree’s and spirits of this land. I am not bashing our choices and callings to other lands and traditions, I feel very drawn to the Aboriginal culture of Australia and feel they hold vital keys in aiding in our remembering how it is to live in harmony, reverence and true relationship with our Earth. The point I’m making is that we possess the ability to go directly to the plants, tree’s and nature of our homeland in order to heal, not only ourselves and others but our relationship to our Earth and our collective consciousness.

In asking for help we open a dialogue with the greater source of intelligence that is streaming through us and everything else. There is no shame in asking for guidance and help. Once we realise we don’t have to figure it all out ourselves and that we have support all around us, we can move in to a place of humbly asking for help. A vital principle in this relationship is in offering something in return, I struggled with this concept for ages as my culture and my head would say, ”whats the point in that”, what will a tree gain from my giving a gesture of thanks? It took me a while to develop a way in which it felt right. The modern day culture with which I grew up in saw trees as inanimate lifeforms, though I knew this not to be true, the programming was still there and frankly it seemed kind of pointless to me. Initially I would simply smile and give thanks, just as you would a friend who had helped you out. My teacher, Pam Montgomery, would say to make gifts from our hands, as trees do not possess hands and we have the ability to create with our hands, our hands are extensions of our hearts. I’ll often offer beads that I have coloured but what has emerged to be the most rewarding, enjoyable and effective gift, is to sing. Again my cultural conditioned mind will sometimes mock my vocal offerings. Feelings of shyness, feeling odd to be singing, toning or making guttural sounds if somebody is to walk past is no doubt my own childhood inadequacies of not feeling heard or being able to fully express my self.

Nature will often respond to tone and vibration in elaborate, meaningful ways. I believe that at the atomic level, the atoms connecting the fabric of space, reverberate, sending powerful healing tones out in to the environment of which get reflected back to you.

Asking questions and receiving answers. I felt drawn to working in the following way. In this process we are reclaiming our connection with the spirit of the land, plants, trees, animals and become a part of our own healing journey.

This is specifically referring to a way of healing with the aid of nature but this communication and relationship forming is ongoing. An individual can then carry on building upon this relationship on their own.

A further aspect to this reciprocal relationship is that we may also then begin asking what nature is asking of us, in what ways may we serve. What are we humans being asked to do at this time of great healing.

The process might look something like this;

Whilst out in nature, You ask a question..

Without looking for the answer with your mind, you simply become present, creating a space inside of you where the intelligence of nature can be heard.

Being present within our bodies and feeling in to our, ‘Gut brain’ and ‘Heart brain’, centres, helps us to bypass the conditioned thinking mind. You simply remain in this space of bodily awareness, aware of the presence you feel inside of you. You may feel pulled in a certain direction or you may notice changes in your outer environment, a sudden change in weather, a breeze that kicks up, an animal that crosses your path, a plant that calls to you or the sun piercing a cloud touching its radiance upon your face. Don’t try to ‘logicalize’- (its a new word, I’ve just made up) Don’t, ‘logicalize’ your experience, instead stay present, you may receive an instant knowing or clarity from the answers but simply remain present to the unfolding. It is also possible that the answers will not come in your desired time frame, yet later on you receive the answers in your life circumstances. Asking questions opens up a relational interplay where life/ spirit starts to unfold through you, you are signalling that you are ready to live the answers you are looking for. It may be a longer or shorter process, depending upon the nature of your question.

I will shortly be offering one to one sessions supporting and guiding in this process as well as plant spirit treatments which will soon be up under the plant spirit Healing heading.


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