Sending down our Roots and remembering the Soul

There be Dragons, Water Dragons.

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Hi all, 

I haven’t written a post in quite a while but I have been writing Newsletter/emails so thought I would share a few here from this year,2022. This one was from earlier in the year back at Beltaine. I really noticed the shift in energy this year at Beltaine and to be honest it hasn’t really stopped over the Summer, I’ve had a great year! and to be honest I’m ready for the change in to Autumn and the slowing down a bit. If you would like to be on my mailing list then you can sign up via the surprisingly titled menu page – Newsletter Signup.

There be Dragons, Water Dragons. May 10th 2022.

Hope you all enjoyed celebrating Beltaine. I certainly did. I went down to Cerne Abbas to watch the sunrise on the giant, drink a foraged ale I helped brew a few weeks earlier and watch the Morris dancers and that big monster thing they carry around.

The evening before I went to a talk in the church at Cerne Abbas by Peter Knight and Sue Wallace of StoneSeeker.net, they’ve written many books on connecting to the Earth, to sacred sites and this talk was on one of their books entitled, Albion Dreamtime:Re-enchanting the Isle of Dragons. Looking back now, it was a theme that had been talking to me for that past week. Specifically water Dragons and has been a reoccurring presence that appears to ebb and flow like the tides. Peter and Sue toured our Albion Isles with a ‘focus’ delving in to the subconscious and listening to the dreamtime being of sacred places that have strong presence. I’ll leave it to yourselves to explore their journey if you wish, you can find them at http://www.stoneseeker.net they run some great walks, talks and events. 

The theme of water has played an initiatory role in my life at certain times, though I’m not afraid of water, I grew up on an Island, it is the element I feel least comfortable with, you could say I feel more at home and at ease in Air, Earth and Fire, water is an element of the unknown, the subconscious, its wet, cold and dark, where beasts may lurk in the unseen depths. I prefer to play in the warmer, dryer hearty places, however it is an element where one can dive in to the recesses of our shadow and psyche. I have a sharks tooth strung with 6 tigers eye stones that I wear around my neck which represents just that, bringing the subconscious to the light of our conscious minds. 

So this most recent of my watery themes came about a week or so before Beltane, it started, as it has before, in the physical, during work. Leaking underground pipes at the farm I live and work at, not much fun. Then perhaps the most significant was on a gardening job I started that week at a beautiful property which has a river running though it, the river snakes though the property with several cascading waterfalls, the energy there is potent, the owner knows full well of the energies present within this mini paradise and had commented of her experience of a water dragon there.

I had seemingly forgotten all about this in my usual right brained/bird brained living of life only to remember this the following week when I returned to an evening of singing there. Ravi, the musician for the evening, had shared that they had been gathering at places of water to sing. A light bulb went off as I recalled the events of the last two weeks of water murmurings and the owner sharing her experience of the water Dragon.

I haven’t even got to the main point of this rambling story yet which is that after the Beltane sunrise I journeyed on to spend some days with a group of creatives on the side of a cliff in Dartmouth. They were spending a week there to work with the land and share creative ways. Two major highlights were in singing the song of the plants and in the discovery of a water dragon.

On the first day we walked the property, again another mini paradise, paths, gardens, hidden coves, carved out of the side of this cliff. As we walked up and down and along the winding paths we came to a willow grove, the group stopped and spontaneously sang, the voice of the willow, a water plant, was birthed though us as we expressed sweet willowy whaling through vibrating sound. This was the first of the plants to sing. The second was Green Alkanet, which one of the group had planned to make a dye from its roots.
That morning I had snuck away to the healing hut to connect with myself and one of the group later joined me, we sang with the shruti box; colours of green, blue and purple enveloped ours minds. The colours of Alkanet. We weren’t consciously connecting to Alkanet here yet 10 min or so later we were as a third group member came and we decided it would be a good time to connect to the Alkanet before digging up her roots for the dye. We sat amongst them and sang, three of us, tears, again streams of green, blue and purple hues. Tears not from emotional turmoil but of overwhelming heart wrenching bliss.

What struck me was how easily and casually this group of human beings intuitively sang and spoke of it quite casually, ‘yeah the song of the plants’ shrug of shoulders style. I may be reading in to that but that’s how it appeared, perhaps they had learnt of this from courses? They were obviously not foreign to this type of singing but for me this is something that has come spontaneously and left me with questions and a profound exploration of the deep mystery which often leaves me speechless and trying to explain and connect with others. I’m currently writing a book about my experience of spontaneous toning and singing in nature. I believe it carries multidimensional connection, communication, enhancement of earth energies, healing and much more we are completely unaware of.

Now the Water Dragon! I Feel this post is dragon on a bit! haha… So what will be easier to is to copy and paste a post I wrote on the facebook group, ‘Earth and cosmic energies, alignments and leys’ ;  

Recently, whilst staying at a gorgeous location on the edge of a cliff in Dartmouth I dowsed what appeared to be a water dragon. It was surprising to me as it didn’t appear to be coming from a physical source of water, no underground stream or water source, it wasn’t an elemental being but a form of water consciousness. It appeared to be in a snaking line, travelling from the land and out to sea. 

I had walked out the front door of the cabin and the question came of please point to the nearest dragon, I could see a rocky outcrop which took the shape of dragon which I initially thought the rods to be pointing to but upon following the rod it came to a shed/ artstudio /workshop building which the line started and stopped either side of. 

After following the water dragon, which snaked off up through a thick woodland, I asked whether there was a fire dragon, which there was, it appeared to be on the other side of the property, higher up on the cliff side and located at a tree house. This part of the land appeared to be more yang and drier than its watery counter part.  

 When I had returned from my trip I remembered that I had spoken to my friend before, whom I do gardening work for, and she had mentioned about a water dragon on her property. I’ve since dowsed and sat with this Dragon and it is the same type of water consciousness. My feeling is that it’s a being that lives at a vibrational space within the element of water. I wonder if any of you have encountered dragons in this form? I’ve always perceived them as being connected to a physical earth energy phenomena, dragon lines of earth energy from physical sources of underground water streams or magma or the earths chi. I have seen them within my minds eye as long moving energy forms like worms or snakes moving along energy lines within mountain ranges but this appeared to be something else? Any thoughts? I’m just trying to get my conscious mind around it. 

So there you have it, that’s my Water Dragon tale. And suspect it won’t stop there. An interesting aspect to labyrinths known by dowsers is that they attract water to them. The owner of the property has been thinking of adding a labyrinth right next to the Water Dragon so we shall see what the Water Dragon thinks if that is to materialise. 

Best watery wishes to you all, follow the path. 


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